Sunday, 18 December 2022

Final Game of 2022?

 Just home from an all day, all cavalry Napoleonic game at Barrys. With ten players involved, it was one of the biggest we have had for a while and right on the max number of participants Barry is happy to welcome to his dungeon of war!

I don't know exactly how many units each side had, I had an Austrian force of two Hussars, six Kuirassiers and two horse batteries - three brigades I decided - one light and two heavy. With five players per side, roughly equally equipped, we are looking at forces of around 40 cavalry units per side, supported by 8-10 batteries of horse artillery!

Our Prussian/Russian/Austrian alliance eventually came out on top versus a French/Polish/Bavarian alliance, but no thanks to my contribution, which provided more amusement to the other players than anything else - on two occasions in particular, a straight fight between French and Austrian Hussars, Mark rolled 6 hits (5 or 6 required) to 1 and my fresh unscathed unit disappeared from the field; the other, I had a flank attack by  Kuirassiers against French Hussars - 12 dice to 3 - Mark rolled 3 hits and I managed 1 - so was routed back a full move!

The other results were not quite so dramatic, but by the three-quarter mark, I was down to a single unit of Kuirassiers, which I kept skulking on the allied back line, well away from any potential threat!

Here are quite a lot of pictures with not too much commentary as I don't have much idea what happened at the other end of the 14 foot table, except that Paul and Chris (as part of our allied side) gave Barry, Rick and Adrian a bit of a drubbing - Rick in particular seemed to have similar luck with the dice as yours truly!

Austrian cavalry - a mix of figures from different group members

The French opposite me, commanded by Mark

Polish Allied to the French, commanded by Adrian

French centre - Julian's French to the left, Adrians Poles to the right

French Carabiniers

Julians Cuirassiers

Two very similar views of the Poles 

The Austrians begin to advance

Overview of the table - Allies to the left, French etc to the right

My Old Glory Hussars before their unfortunate incident with Marks Frogs

The French left cengtre under Julian advances against the high ground, held by Johns light cavalry

Austrian Kuirassiers move forward

Paul's Russians - not sure who their opponents are?

Hussar v Hussar action

Prussians on our right wing support the Austrians

Austrian Kuirassiers v French Carabiniers (all figures are Perry plastics)

The French centre advances en masse

At the other end of the table, Chris and Paul created a nice overlap of the French right flank

View down the table from Paul and Chris's position (on the right) v's Barry, Rick and Adrian on the left)

The result of the Hussar melee shown above - Marks six out of six possible hits!

Lancers charge French lights in the flank

Russian dragoons v French Hussars (I think)

My second Hussar unit just about to be wiped from the field by Mark..... 😒

The right wing of the French force - Poles and Bavarians v Russians

Action in the centre continues apace

A large force of Prussians (Nick) moves up to support the stalling Austrian attack

Marks cavalry drove off my gunners but they survived to return to action later on!

A real ebb and flow of combat around the central heights - John did very well here - with only light cavalry, he consistently knocked back Julians French heavies - Cuirassiers and Carabiniers

Poles in action on the other flank

Russians v Bavarians

Overview of the centre of the table

The last fling of the Austrian cavalry - two regiments of Kuirassiers charge but were knocked back by the French - the unit charging the guns was wiped out.

A series of images from the other end of the table

Russians taking on Bavarians and Poles

French Horse Artillery in support

Charging Russian Dragoons

Back in the centre, John's lancers take on yet another unit of Cuirassiers

Marks Hussars take on Austrian Kuirassiers - you can guess the result!

The Russians in combat with Bavarians

The central high ground

Austrian Kuirassiers routing to the rear!

A nice solid looking Prussian force under Nick ready to take on Marks French

A two to one advantage - but Marks above average die rolling came to the fore - AGAIN - and they were pushed back!

At the other end of the table, though, the Russians are definitely in the ascendancy

Prussians v French in the centte

The French on the left were now a spent force...

...while their allies on the right were in disarray

The final butchers bill - a win for the Austro - Prussian - Russian alliance, but a hard fought one.

A nice change to have an all-cavalry engagement but boy, was it bloody! Marks was rolling above average all day, whereas my rolling was pretty abysmal at times! Good to see all the guys before the Christmas festivities arrive and hopefully, we manage to get a couple of games in while we are all on leave for two- three weeks between Dec 23 and Jan 9 or 16.

Thanks for visiting and please do leave a comment!


  1. That looks epic Keith! Positively Bondarchuk-esque. And very different making it all cavalry. A great way to end the year. Fave pictures: 23 and 31.

    1. Thanks Chris, it was certainly something a bit different, glad you enjoyed it too!

  2. That's looking great sir!
    Nothing better than a lot of cavalry!
    Best regards

    1. Well, this certainly was a LOT of cavalry, Michal!

  3. An all cavalry battle is something I rarely see on the gaming table. Very hard to do, I think, given the fluidity of cavalry clashes. Table and troops look great. Ten players? That is a houseful! Super end to the gaming year if this turns out to be the case. Happy Christmas!

    1. Thanks Jon, we had Mark to thank for coming up with idea (and supplying over half the cavalry on the table, I would think! As to last game of the year, it will certainly be the last on this scale, but I might fit in one or two solos of my own ....we will see.

  4. Very exciting to see such a big clash of cavalry. The best way to end the years gaming, eh?

    1. Glad you like it, Joe, it made for quite a different game. It WAS a good close to the group gaming for 2022!

  5. Fantastic, as most wargamers tend not to reach the position of owning large cavalry armies, seeing a cavalry clash with lots of figures is always eye-catching and something to savour - excellent end of year bash.

    1. Cheers Norm, I am as guilty as most of underrepresenting cavalry in my collections, they are just so expensive - although with the hard plastic options, this is possibly less of an issue than it once was - well, for the popular eras, anyway!

  6. Wow, some battle you had there. How the hell anyone could coordinate the actions of 10 players is beyond me. I’ve seen games with only 4 become chaotic. Top stuff and a great way to end the year.

    1. Thanks JBM - it wasn't all that coordinated at some points to be fair, but most of us enjoyed it, nonetheless!

  7. What a way to finish out the year! Epic stuff and happy Christmas.

    1. Thanks a lot Michael and festive greetings to you too!

  8. Quite a spectacle with all that cavalry. A great way to finish the year

  9. Wow- certainly a huge Cavalry engagement Kieth. The Games Table is big and looks like a purpose built Games Room too- glad you had a great time there in NZ with your Friends. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev....yes, I think originally, this may have been a seperate living area for Barry's son, but that was thirty or forty years ago! It's been his gaming room for many years now and is a great asset for us all to share.

  10. I've always wanted to do an all cavalry napoleonic game--happy to see such a grand example! As an owner of a Prussian army, I'm also gratified to see them well represented on the field (particularly the superb Calpe figures).

    1. We will look out for your version in 2923, Ed! The Calpe Prussians were Nicks contribution to the fray, they certainly are very nice indeed!

  11. Blimey that is a BIG GAME. 6 players a side is on the large side for us, so I struggle to imagine what it must be like to co-ordinate everything. Still a joy to behold and a great idea to have a cavalry only clash for something rather different.

    1. Thanks Steve, it was a good day, even if my personal contribution to it was mainly to the detriment of my own side!

  12. Definitely something a little different. I have been on the end of similar dice rolling of Mark's forty years ago. The fact I still remember it shows how scarring it can be.

    1. With the number of Napoleonic cavalry units you were painting some months back, Lawrence, you could probably do something similar yourself! Mark is usually a pretty average dice roller but he was certainly on fire yesterday, and my rolling was dreadful....almost on a par with my eight out of eight 1's I rolled at Tarawera a few years back ( I won't ever forget that, either!)

  13. Very splendid looking battle, quite inspirational 👍

    1. Thanks Matt...a lot of time and thought from Mark went into making this such an awesome spectacle!

  14. Marvellous stuff Keith…
    What’s not to love about a table full of Napoleonic cavalry, and a great way to end the year.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly, it was a great looking game, despite my Aly-esque dice rolling LOL 😀

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks Richard, it was certainly something a bit different!

  16. What a way to finish the year... have a great Christmas Keith....

    1. Thank you was indeed epic! Hope you have a good one too!

  17. Table and figures are superb. A good year end. But that gaming space...I wish I had a third of that space! LOL Merry Christmas

    1. Thanks GW....I agree about the space and unfortunately we won't have it forever, with Barry in his late 80' plans will have to be made....have a great Christmas and Hogmanay!

  18. That's a lot of cavalry (and players) for sure; shades of Liebertwolkwitz!

    1. Thanks Peter, it certainly was a mammoth clash!
