Tuesday, 17 October 2023

A Few New Arrivals for the 1940 Blitzkrieg Project

These were ordered just before we left for Rarotonga and were dispatched from France on Sat 7 Oct - so travel time has been pretty good at under two weeks!

I did not take pics of everything - as some of the stuff needs assembling - but there is a list of what I purchased plus a some of the contents to whet your appetite!

My daughter, who was home when the courier delivered the parcel, was not keen to interact with him - she thought he had dropped the parcel and gone so opened the door, only to find he was just about to leave - taking the parcel with him, as it was "Signature Required" and he was the only courier in recorded history who wasn't just going to scribble "Keith" on his scanner and leave it either at the front door or in the mail box! Just as well she caught him, as he was about to leave a card and take the box away with him again!

I am sure even non-French speakers can work out what most of this is!

Subtle differences exist between the two side car crews (apart from the obvious missing third man!)

Likewise, the two single motorcyclists are slightly different too.

Finally, a comparison shot alongside the Warlord/Rubicon 28mm SdKfz 251 Ausf C.

Work has also commenced on the penultimate ten-man 1st Corps German infantry squad - they have been undercoated black then dry brushed with a light colour to help see the details - I will probably start painting them tomorrow.

Thats my lot for today - hope to have more to post in a few days' time. Thanks for the visit and extra special thanks to all who take the time to leave a comment!


  1. They look nice kits, look forward to seeing them painted up

    1. Thanks, Scotty - maybe I will jump one of them to the head of the painting queue?!

  2. Returning from holiday with a package of figures awaiting. Ah, the Good Life!

    1. It's not too bad Jon - although I have been back at work since last Friday :(

  3. Good looking figures and an impressively conscientious courier, knock me down with a feather!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain and I agree! Working for a large courier company myself, a common complaint is the exact opposite!

  4. An amazing delivery indeed, and some nice figures.

    1. Thanks Greg, I might try to paint one up this evening, just to see how they turn out.....

  5. Return from a splendid holiday to a consignment of toy soldiers in the post. I think your Christmas has come early!

    1. You might very well think so, Ed! 😀

  6. Very nice 3D prints. I think every early war German collection should include at least one BMW sidecar team - just iconic.

    1. Totally agree Dai....and just between us, a whole lot more have been ordered, from 1st Corps this time...I am probably going to end up with far too many!

  7. Nice looking figures, and all the more precious as they almost got away! 😀

  8. Nice looking figures Keith….although I’m not keen on prints when they have delicate parts ?

    1. Yes that can be one of the downsides Matt...and these DO have some very fine detail....I will just have to be careful.....

  9. Lovely stuff Keith. I might need to add a few sidecar combinations to my WWII Germans if I ever get around to painting them. We have some terrible courier companies who make no effort to call out when they are here even though there is invariably someone home.

    We used to have an Australia Post guy who knew exactly where to leave stuff but after ten years' on the job lost his contract to another who bid a couple of cents per delivery less. The new guy figured out that it was much quicker and he still got paid if he prefilled the attempted delivery slips and just ran up and down the street putting them in letterboxes. As a result the queue at the Post Office collection window was often up to twenty plus deep at any given time and when I complained all they suggested was that I sit in wait for him and show him what has to be done. When I explained that I had tried that but that he spoke no English, they asked if I had tried sign language. I told them I had tried that also, to which the reply was "I know, hopeless isn't it?". They then suggested I write a letter to the Federal Minister of Communication in Canberra and ask him to resolve the situation.

    1. Reminds me of the Netflix series Utopia...I assume you have seen it?

    2. I have seen a few. Very enjoyable, although a few episodes at a time is enough.

  10. Lol...I literally am laughing out loud Lawrence....that is truly awful but jn one way I admire the ingenuity of the postie! Fortunately we have never had anything quite that extreme to deal with!

  11. They are particularly nice models. I have the zvezda 1/72 plastic kit for a cycle combo, but the animation on your figures moves them up a league.

    1. Thanks Norm....I don't have any m/c in 20mm. The 3d printing revolution seems to be enabling ever nicer sculpting and animation of figures.

  12. Looking good Keith. I am anticipating your usual excellent brushwork.

    1. Cheers Richard, I will do my best not to disappoint!

  13. I like the motorcycles. Good purchase!

    1. Thanks Peter - they are very nice models - I am looking forward to slapping some paint on them!

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal - will be interesting to see how they paint up!

  15. Looking forward to these with paint on them.

    1. Hopefully you don't have to wait too long, Joe!
