Thursday 14 December 2023

What I Have Been Watching Recently

 I have had a "binge" of Russian WWII TV Series recently, courtesy of Star Media via You Tube. 

First up was this series called "Night Swallows"

On 8th October 1941, Stalin issued a secret order forming a female aviation unit. Known later as the 46th "Taman" Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment, a unit like this had never existed before. Their operational record began at the Salsk Steppes and the Don battles and ended in Nazi Germany. Flying PO-2 night bombers or 'mules', these brave female pilots flew harassment bombing and precision bombing missions, which successfully destroyed the enemy's river crossings, fortifications, machinery and manpower. The regiment flew over 23,000 sorties and is said to have dropped 3,000 tons of bombs. The most highly decorated female unit in the Soviet Air Force, each pilot had flown over 1000 missions by the end of the war with twenty-three pilots awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union. Fighting with equal bravery and skill as their male counterparts earned them the name 'Nachthexen' (Night Witches) by the Germans.

This was followed up by two series of "The Attackers" :

The USSR – World War 2. Young pilots, Leonid and Boris arrive at military air training school only to find that they have been enlisted to an air regiment and will be going soon to the frontline.

Unfortunately the young pilots fail in their first mission. Instead of covering the Soviet attacker planes, Leonid gushes from his formation to attack the German Messerschmitts. This causes a breach in the defensive formation and, deprived of protection, the attacker planes come under fire from the German fighters and everyone is killed. Back on the ground Leonid and Boris are sent to the division’s headquarters where they are to be tried and executed. On their way to the place of execution, however, the commander of the attacker wing arrives at the military airfield and petitions personally for their release. Our heroes are given one last chance. Now they become attackers and will have to show responsibility and courage every moment of their service and execute the most complex of orders without hesitation or fear for their own lives.

Following on from the events of the first Attackers series, Major Bestuzhev is promoted to Lt Colonel and given command of a newly-formed fighter regiment. He is given the latest Soviet fighter, the Yak-3, but with no veterans to draw upon he has to rely on green pilots straight out of training. It's a tough assignment, made tougher by adversaries at Army headquarters, cunning German opponents and personal tragedy.

All rather dramatic, with a far greater number of the main characters being killed off throughout both seasons than would occur in your typical British or American equivalent eg the two main stars of series 1, a veteran female captain and her male second wingman, who spent the whole series in a "will they/wont they" fall in love plot, finally did, then were both killed in the last five minutes of the final episode! Something similar happened in Series 2 although the main character, who carried over from the first series to become the CO in series 2, did survive combat with an experimental ME262, which he and his mate (Hero of the Soviet Union and drinking buddy of Stalins son!) managed to defeat and knock down semi-intact, so that the Soviet Union could get hold of one of the jet engines!


  1. Some slightly more historically accurate footage than your last write up? Both sound good but the night witches one sounds really interesting?
    Best Iain

    1. They were pretty typical of their genre Iain...lots of "soap opera" stuff on the ground, with everyone falling in love etc, a nasty Political Officer, and in season 2 a particularly evil KGB colonel plotting the downfall of the hero squadron commander ( because he was born into Tsarist nobility) etc...but yes, alot of it seemed more historically accurate than " The French Film!"

  2. Definitely colorful and different.

    1. They were a bit of fun and nice to see the Ostfront from the Allied perspective Joe!

  3. I see a theme. Will we be seeing more Soviet ladies crossing your painting desk?

    1. I don't know, Jon....I have long had an inkling to get some of the Bad Squiddo, perhaps!

    2. Bad Squiddo figures are so cool.

  4. Cheers for the background to these series.

  5. Saw Night Swallows ages ago - really good series!

    1. Cheers Rob, I enjoyed them all...I think The Attackers might have been slightly better, to be honest!

  6. That looks like a really good series Keith. Of course, if you were watching it in 1970's New Zealand you would have had a visit from the SIS by now, as my mother did when she rather naively went to a Soviet bookshop in downtown Auckland to pick up some materials to help with a topic on WWII she was running at school. Even to my ten-year-old eyes I remember thinking the 'bookshop' looked dodgy, as did the two blokes who turned up unannounced on our doorstep a week later.

    1. Lol...yes no doubt my viewing habits and web searches are all on some computer at Ft Meade or Langley, Lawrence! I haven't had any visits yet, though 🤔

  7. Interesting looking series Keith and thank you for posting about them. I have subscribed to the channel.

    1. You are most welcome Ben - I hope they are not a disappointment!

  8. Thanks for the heads up on these Keith:). I watched some stuff of a similar vein (or at least tried to) on Netflix I think, from the 1970's. Visually excellent etc but so full of patriotic propoganda I just had to give up:(.

    1. Thanks Steve...these may be more digestible...made about 8 to 10 years ago, the Political Officer (Commissar) in the first is a bit of a baddie who turns out ok in the end (similar theme in Night Swallows) whilst in season 2 of Attackers, the Political Officer is a goodie, but the rear echelon NKVD colonel is a real bastrd! The hero of Attackers starts off as a Sgt ( he had flown for the USSR in SCW but as the son of a count was sent to a gulag) but is promoted to major by the middle of the first series and starts series 2 as a colonel...the German adversary in season 2 is even shown to be honorable and not a cardboard cut out Nazi...although the enemy are almost universally referred to as the Fascists and not the Germans...which is probably historically accurate?

  9. I may seek those out sometime ?

    1. I enjoyed them Matt but they might not be to everyone's taste

  10. Those shows sound and look very good, Keith. Nice to see good media!

    1. Thanks Dean, they kept me entertained for a couple of weeks anyway!
