Sunday 31 December 2023

Last Post - and Last Game - of 2023.

 On Saturday, Nick, Rick and I repaired to Julian's home for a relaxed afternoon of ECW bloodshed, courtesy of the TtS based For King and Parliament.

Jules had chosen one of the scenarios from the book, he and I played the Parliamentarians, Nick and Rick the Royalists, and the result was a resounding victory for the forces of privilege and repression!

I took quite a few pics, many just for "eye candy" purposes, but I will try to provide some overview of what happened as the game progressed.

Force deployment at the commencement of the action, I commanded the Parliamentarian left (top right) hedged in (literally) by the terrain and opposite Nick, whilst Julian had the top left force opposite Rick.

Nick had brought along the bulk of the Royalist forces - beautifully painted Renegade figures he did about ten years ago and has never had on the table in anger.

Both these cavalry units are from my collection - I provided a few cavalry that Julian was short of, for both sides (even though they should all really be Parliamentarian!)

A view down the table with Parliament to the right and the Royalists to the left.

Julian moved his cavalry straight forward and got right in Ricks face early!

On our flank, Nick had the more advantageous ground (in retrospect, I should have made the most of a bad job and deployed my cavalry defensively behind the hedges to refuse our left flank - but I didn't!)

We had the only artillery on the table so, to nullify its potential, Rick moved his infantry rapidly forward - the result being, we got in one round of long-range fire - scored two hits - Rick saved them both - and then, the guns really had no target for the rest of the game and remained silent! The two units to the right above are Ricks - original Essex and Foundry figures he says he painted 40 years ago!

The cavalry continues their melee on Julians wing....

...a view from Julians side of the fight.

My cavalry all wheels left, preparatory to moving over the hedges to confront Nicks advance.... well, that was the plan, anyway.

The big infantry fight in the centre of the field, two of the three Parliamentarian units are disordered v's only one of the attacking Royalists....

The Royalist right (Nicks command) advances.

A solitary unit of Parliamentarian cavalry had made it over the hedge to dispute Nicks advance ...

.... they did not last long!

The cavalry melee on the other flank continued, but the Royalist commanded shot (extreme right of image) had destroyed one Parliamentarian cavalry regiment and the other two were badly shaken (as were their opponents)

In the centre, each side now has 2 of 3 of the infantry units engaged badly shaken.

Nicks victorious cavalry - just a gratuitous "eye candy" shot, really!

The centre again - two of the Royalist regiments have "popped to one of the Parliamentarian ones, and our second line has plugged the gap.

But things are looking dire on the left flank!

More eye candy.

Another Parliamentarian unit broke, and our army morale coins were all gone - despite the look of the centre, we had been comprehensively beaten - I don't know exactly how many coins each army had, but the Royalists seemed to still have over 50% of theirs when we reached zero, so, undoubtedly, a crushing defeat for Parliament!

A very pleasant way to spend 3-4 hours on a Saturday afternoon - not a time, or day, I usually have available for gaming, but thanks to the largesse of 'er indoors, I was able to attend. Julian is planning a similar event towards the tail end of next week, I am not sure I will be able to make that one but will definitely be working on building up some brownie points in the next wee while!

Thanks for visiting and double thanks for leaving a comment.  I appreciate them all and would like to take this opportunity to wish all my visitors, readers and regular commenters a very happy New Year and hope you continue to frequent this blog in 2024!


  1. Great way to wind down the year. Troops look fab and playing on a grid always a welcome way to fight a battle. Have not played FK&P in a very, very long time. Actually, have not played TtS! in a long time either.

    1. Thanks Jon...sounds like we have some guidance on what you should be putting on your table early next year!

  2. Lovely last game, I am amazed that such lovely troops have not seen the table in 10 years! Hope to see more of them. Best Wishes for the New Year.

    1. Thanks Norm! 👍 Nick is definitely a painter who games, rather than a gamer who paints...he has lots of beautiful figures that rarely or never see action! Happy New Year to you too....only 3 hrs to go here!

  3. A superb looking game and great way to end the year. All the best for 2024

    1. Cheers Scotty ....same to you re New Year!

  4. Great wargaming end of the year.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks a lot Michal...happy new year too!

  5. Now that really is a lovely looking ECW game with such stunning figures on display! A real eye candy treat to round the year off:). It's been many, many years since I used any of Simon's rules which, despite giving a good game, need to be played a lot to keep things fresh in the mind. Hence them not seeing action in favour of the Black Powder stable, which are easier for my addled brain these days.

    Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year too!

    1. Thanks Steve, I am glad you liked the eye candy 🍬 😀
      I am not a big fan of BP or any of the Warlord rules stable, really...TtS etc aren't my favorites either but one thing I do like is the army morale token are pretty much guaranteed a winner/ loser result!

  6. As I am just putting the finishing touches on half a dozen Scottish foot regiments with a view to an FK&P game next year, this has served as excellent motivation Keith. Having recently finished reading the rulebook I recognise the scenario and it is great seeing it come to life.

    1. That's good ro read Lawrence and I look forward to seeing your new troops in action next year ...just over an hour away for me now!

  7. Lovely looking battle Keith and making the most of your free afternoon. Here’s to a happy and productive New Year 👍

    1. Thanks Matt...hopefully I can achieve both those objectives in 2024!

  8. Lovely way to finish up the year, it does look like a fun rule set to play.
    Have a great new year.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Stu, we certainly had a fun afternoon! A very happy new year to you too 😊

  9. Great looking battle and super end to the year. I look forward to following you through 2024.
    Happy New Year.

    1. Cheers Richard - your wishes and feelings are reciprocated!

  10. Wonderful looking units in the game. A good game to wrap up the year.

    1. Thanks Peter...Nicks figures are always something special!

  11. Crushing defeat for the little guys on the table but a win for the players on both sides, I'm sure. Lovely game and table! Thanks for all the content in '23 and Happy New Year!

    1. Cheers Ed....Wargaming was the winner on the day! Same to you and I hope to continue following your adventures in 2024!

  12. Fantastic looking game Keith! Well done for all of you in getting a game in so late in the year.
    Thanks for posting in 2023. It is really appreciated.
    I hope you and your family have a great 2024.

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words Ben and I look forward to interacting with you via Blogger again in the coming 12 months!

  13. Looks great, Keith. Coincidentally, I played FK&P myself today!

    1.'s a small world, Peter (in more ways than one, obviously!) Ilook forward to reading how your game went!

  14. A cracking looking game Keith…
    Here’s to plenty more games and toys in 2024…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly...looking forward to seeing your games with "the young ones" in the coming year too!

  15. dude, you got to play miniature wargames on NYE weekend?? Say less before I fall over with jealousy.
    I still haven't played TtS yet even though I have the rules and plenty of figures. There was something in them that I didn't understand but I forget what. 😁

    Happy New Year!

    1. Hey there Stew....welcome back to the bloggosphere for 2024!

    2. Could be playing again on Fri 5 Jan for first game of 2024 but of course, the wife has invited two of her friends to dinner...bloody social life is a damn nuisance! OK, they ARE my friends too, but that's beside the point!
