Thursday 30 December 2021

Lots and Lots of Pics.....

I guess it is a busy time of year for everyone and something has to give - viewing and commenting on blogs may be one of those things? 

I make this observation, based on the fact my last post has been up about 4 or 5 days and only has less than 50% of the average number of comments. 

I dont think the last post was any less interesting/appealing than the two or three previous ones, so the only explanation I can some up with is - people are just too busy at this time of year!

Anyway, I have been making steady progress on Italians, French and various Oriental factions for my Pulp Project, plus my wife and I have been on a number of nice bush walks, so over the next few days, I will try to catch up on the pics I have taken!

First three images are a Copplestone Chinese warlord leader

Pulp Figures Chinese Concubine/Princess

The two leaders of the Warlord Chinese "Blue" contingent

A Chinese martial artist from Pulp Figures "Daughters of the East" pack

I have decided to do the Oriental characters in colour coordinated schemes - blue or grey for the Chinese......

.... and various shades of pink/red for the Japanese ....

So this Pulp "Daughter of the East" is a Japanese agent

This is the first of three Bad Squiddo Samurai warriors

This may be my favourite figure so far - the Hasslefree armed Geisha

I took her outside for a couple of close up shots of the face in natural light

And to finish off, a "few" images of a couple of bush walks we did about three days ago..

Even in the middle of nowhere, you need to do the Covid scanning!

Some quite strange looking rock formations

Rather annoyingly, about one third of the way into the walk, we came across this!

This looks like a tree but actually, what appears to be the trunk is rock, with a flax like bush growing at the top of it!

The view from the lookout point of the small village of Waitomo, which exists to service tourists visiting the famous Glowworm Caves

We drove about 30km further down the road and stopped at a second scenic walking site

Well, I think that is more than enough for this post - I do have a LOT more walking images, so stand by for more of these in a day or two!


  1. Great figures again and some nice piccies of the walk. I had tried commenting on a previous post with my new MacBook but it wouldn’t let me - so I gave up! Lol. Found out later that the cache was full…whatever that is. Hit it with the heel of my shoe a couple of times and voila! Never fails.

    1. Thanks JBM - I have an incredibly old iPad and its using Safari or something - dont ask me - I dont know if its capable of being upgraded to a better operating system - so every now and again, I have issues with certain sites. When that happens, I just use a laptop!

  2. These figures show some fantastic brushwork. The Chinese warlord and especially the geishas in kimonos look fab. Nice dress patterns.

    I always enjoy seeing your environs especially when we are buried in snow with temps at -15C!

    1. Thanks Jon, I had fun with the ladies clothing! I was tempted to try something complicated on the Hasslefree figure but didnt want to ruin her so stuck with plain and simple! Lots more scenic pictures to share and we are off on another walk Saturday so that will add even more!

  3. A lots of excellent looking minis sir!

    1. Thank you Michal, there us a lot of variety in the Pulp Project for sure!

  4. Great looking minis Keith! I love the mix of poses, characters and colours which make for lovely looking figures all round. This is where 28mm wins hands down compared to 10mm, as there are limited sculpts with the latter.

    I've noticed fewer comments on my posts of late, even though I don't get that many compared to the number of views. Still, nice to know that a few people are interested in my musings, AARs etc.

    Great scenery and a boon to the soul given we have had pretty much unremittingly cloudy, wet and mild weather here for over a month now. It was 15C this morning at 7.00am which is insane for this time of year!

    1. Thanks Steve....totally agree about the advantages of larger figures although I can also see the pro's of ranges like Kallistra for large scale games on smaller tables. As I probably spend 80%+ of my hobby time on painting though, I suppose I need to get the satisfaction from that side of things, and I might not get what I am looking for doing 10mm....
      15 c at 7am in winter sounds incredibly warm for the'll be that there global warming, that will!

    2. Keith and Steve,
      In my unscientific observations, I notice a slight drop-off in views and commenting when the Analog Hobbies Painting Challenge kicks off on 21 DEC.

    3. Hmmmm...maybe people are too busy painting for the challenge??

  5. Great looking figures, especially the Chinese Warlord.

  6. Splendid stuff Keith…
    The Chinese Warlord and the Armed Geisha are particularly nice…
    Lovely scenery as well…
    When I lived near the North Sea… grey windy days could be quite dramatic… but in the middle of the country… they are just dull…😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Yes, I remember how that was...I am from Montrose originally, so am well acquainted with the North Sea. I even used to swim in it occasionally back in the day. The sea Haar could also be quite impressive...that's a dense fog to non Scottish readers!

  7. Great looking miniatures! They all have personality and I guess some kind of “background”. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Dmitry...yes, they will all need names, back stories and special skills I guess...I will get round to all that one day hopefully! Happy New Year to you as well.

  8. Nice collection of figures Keith and some warm sunny landscapes👍 Yes family time has reduced my blogging over the last few days

    1. Cheers Matt, I suspect a lot of people have less spare time at this time of year, although I am the opposite! Not so sunny today but still in the low twenties I think.

  9. Some of your best work Keith. Very impressive indeed. It is a funny time of year, in that a lot of people head away on holidays and the normal routine, including checking the normal blog roll, goes out of the window.

    1. That's true in NZ and Oz Lawrence but not so mch in the Northern hemisphere, where Christmas is not the start of the summer holiday season. Nevertheless, there are two weeks if school holidays and a lot of family and social engagements to get through, so discretionary time us reduced, no doub!

  10. Great painting Keith, I do like the pink Giesha.

    1. Cheers Ray....I have a number of ideas for her character name and back story!

  11. Wonderful painting on the figures. Great idea for color families for the factions.
    You have many gorgeous locations for short hikes in your area.
    I have been having problems leaving comments & emailing, should respond more effectively now.

    1. Thanks Joe! Some of those walks are a fair distance away...a couple of hours drive...but we are happy to travel to see new places.

  12. You have been busy Keith! I have been to Waitomo a number of times to visit the caves, but never on the walks…must do that next time.

    1. I think I have been through the caves twice Mark but the most recent occasion was probably 25 years ago! It seemed relatively busy when we were there, which is a good thing for the local economy I guess.

  13. Your conjecture is correct: just catching up on the rounds of the "usual" blogs this New Year's Eve. Been behind on everything. Love the brushwork on the textile/fabric pattern on the geisha! Thanks for sharing the pix of the ramble as well: a nice interlude. Happy New Year!

    1. Cheers Ed - normal service seems to have been resumed vis a vis comments - closing in on thirty for this post! Hope you have had a good New Year too - its halfway through the first day of 2022 here now.

  14. That's some lovely local terrain to tour!

    1. Thanks Peter...yes, it's not hard to find beautiful examples of nature in this country, we are richly endowed with it!

  15. Lovely oriental contingent, the geisha is ace! Commentating does tend to be all over the place,Christmas to new year,mine certainly is !
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, thanks for making it here in the end!
